Thursday, October 30, 2014

Clear Skies are Overrated

Some of the most breathtaking sights one can see are framed in the sky, behemoths that float effortlessly and pass fleetingly. They come in different shapes and varieties and colors. For the low, low cost of nothing at all, you too can witness the beautiful sight of clouds.
Beauty, or rather beautiful things, is often associated with humans, most notably women. But beautiful things exist beyond just humans and don’t require makeup or plastic surgery. I find that simply looking up at the clouds is the simplest, yet most rewarding experience.
After a tiring day or before going to school, anytime at all really, one can relax by watching the clouds for just a minute. You can look for patterns or even turn around and watch another patch of a boundless sky. Even better, one can come back to the same cloud watching spot an hour later on a windy day and find different clouds.
One day, when I was walking home on a lonely street of smog and vehicles, I decided, out of the blue, to look up and I found myself staring at the sky. I was awestruck by the intensity of red in the clouds that converged on a single point, the eye of the storm where the sun shone with all its brilliance in the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen. Drivers passing by saw a boy looking west, his mouth slightly open and he seemed to shiver as he stood, not from the cold but from witnessing something so magnificent.
As sudden as the awe had come, it passed and thoughts of being late again for dinner crept back into my mind. I took one last long look before staring at the sidewalk again, letting my feet guide me to home. A cyclist passed by me and she called out to me, a stranger, “Look up, dude!” It was as if the clouds had beckoned me back and the sunset wanted me to watch it, for just a minute longer. She told me a joke before she rode off into the sunset and I didn’t feel quite as alone anymore.
To this day, I still watch clouds to find a sunset rivaling the one I had seen that day. I found magnificence and beauty in a sunset that was easy to find. All I had to do was look up. 


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post about the beauty of the sky, the beauty of nature. I found your post very unique and captivating. It really gives us, the modern generation, a wake up call on how the best things in life are free and that we don`t need things such as cellphones, television, and social networking to make us happy and content in life. Sometimes, all we need to do in life is to go outside and observe our surroundings. We often take what we already have for granted and unfortunately, we don`t notice until our other wants and pleasures are gone. I also liked how you added your own personal story to your post, it truly supports your claims.

  2. I tend to look at the sky all the time.In the car, when I'm doing 'homework' ( or trying to), or when i'm just walking around the park. I would make games with my friends and family to see what shapes they made. Sometimes, they float so close, I would reach for them even though I knew it would be impossible to touch them. Honestly, I don't like clear skies either because they kinda shield us from the glaring sun, and they make that same sun prettier when it finally sets.
